Archive for January, 2012

Use These Tips To Help Build Your Inline Marketing Business

January 17, 2012

Are you having trouble trying to figure out ways to be successful in Inline marketing? If you want to try and be successful in your network marketing goals, then you want to always be on the lookout for any new information you can find. The information in this article can give you a few tips to get started with Inline marketing.


Set up a way to record your prospecting calls. Having these conversations to listen to at a later time will go a long way towards improving your close rate. You will be able to review yourself and see where things went right and where they went wrong. You will also have it to use for trainings and blog articles.

Learn ways to disqualify people when prospecting. We don’t want just anyone in our markets. You need to be able to weed out those people who will not do anything for your bottom line or network. Develop a set of questions that will give you the information you need to see if you want to move forward with them.

With so many details to attend to in your Inline marketing business, it is easy to lose sight of your number one goal: prospecting. When you have a dozen emails to respond to, a pile of paperwork cluttering your desk, down-lines to train, and a company conference to attend, finding new prospects can sometimes get lost in the crowd. Make sure you prioritize your duties to keep prospecting at the top of the list. While your other responsibilities are still important, you don’t have a business without any customers.

When prospecting, stop focusing on making the sale and focus on whether there is even a sale to be made. If you focus on making the sale, you will end up wasting your time on prospects that will never turn. Learn to listen to those cues that let you know you are barking up the wrong tree, so you can move on to more likely prospects.

This article serves as a good resource for you if you want be successful in Inline marketing. Apply all of these tips to the best of your ability and you should see success in your Inline marketing business in no time. Just remember all of this information so that you can actually apply it, and if you need to reread the article so you can remember everything do it!

PS. Here is a great little tip. livethesource makes these great customized videos for you. Plaster them all over the internet.

Here is a couple of examples:





Improve Yourself To Improve Your livethesource Business

January 17, 2012

There are many, many self help techniques available. Which ones to follow and how to successfully follow them are two questions that most people find themselves asking. This article contains straightforward tips and advice to lay out the best self help methods and how you can go about choosing and implementing them.

Sometimes people establish goals and then don’t stick to their plan, so they fail. The key point is to stick to it and don’t ever give up. Whatever your goal is, just hang in there and day by day you will inch closer to realizing your dream. You will be so happy once you achieve your goal.

A great self-help tip that can help you change your life around is to start doing acupuncture. Acupuncture is great because it targets certain parts of the body which can reduce your stress levels. It’s not nearly as painful as some people would have you think.

Learn to recognize the signs your body is giving you. This is a great way to develop on a personal level. If you are not paying attention or ignoring signals such as hunger, thirst, tired feelings, and sleepiness you are depriving yourself of things you may need.

A great personal development tip is to always live honestly. To be a truly great man or woman, you must have integrity. This also means you should live within your means. Do not spend more than you have. Being honest with yourself and with others will reap all kinds of benefits in the future.

If you want to become a better person, do not be afraid to solicit honest feedback from others. Sometimes, you cannot see your own weaknesses because you do not have an objective view of yourself. Honest feedback from others can be constructive and can help you identify areas that you need to improve.

If you still have a table and a fridge full of leftovers from your Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner, pack them up and deliver them to the local women’s club or homeless shelter, rather than throwing them out. You will feel better inside and can easily brighten someone’s day with delicious foods and desserts. Try to make this a habit that is not necessarily limited to major holidays, whether you deliver food once per week or once per month.

Pursuing self help can be a daunting task for many people. With the large number of techniques offered, the self help process can seem overwhelming. However, the tips from this article lay out the best self help methods out there and will keep you on track for a successful self help journey.